We announced our Net Zero commitment for emissions that we directly control (Scope 1 and Scope 2) in 2019 as part of Birmingham Airport’s five-year Sustainability Strategy. We’re also committed to working with our airport partners to reduce the carbon emissions that we can influence (Scope 3) in and around our Airport.
At Birmingham Airport, we are playing our part in limiting the Earth’s temperature increase to well below 2°C, in line with the United Nations’ ambition, and have committed to becoming a Net Zero carbon Airport by 2033. We recently published our Sustainability Strategy covering a wide range of topics across the Airport. This has helped us to capitalise on previous steps made towards reducing our carbon emissions and also to make good use of the unique learning opportunity the pandemic has presented. As the recovery takes shape, we are taking time to readjust, reprioritise and focus on the next steps towards 2033 and Net Zero.
While we have a track record in achieving low carbon operations, we know that meeting our commitment will require more impactful and immediate action and new investment to deliver significant change across our Airport over a short time-period.
As we look to the future, we’re taking action today:
Significant investment in on-site renewable energy generation, energy efficient lighting and improvements in energy management technology.
Planning to source up to 40% of the electricity used at the Airport through solar power.
Switching to a 100% green tariff from April 2022 for electricity provided throughout the Airport.
Extending the network of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to enable more low carbon vehicles in and around the Airport boundary.
Renewing the Airport’s heating and cooling infrastructure, including upgrades to the building fabric and a gradual transition to low carbon heating.
Building on relations with a range of partners, and our colleagues, to create the awareness, interest and capability that will enable Birmingham Airport to achieve its Net Zero goal.
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Contact us
If you have any questions on our Net Zero Carbon Plan, email us on [email protected].